Monday, 28 February 2011

Lady Gaga: Born This Way, The Video - Do you love?

It's here!  The video has finally surfaced - but what do you think?  I can't find it on YouTube yet as all versions violated copyright.  However, you can watch here:

If I'm honest, I'm underwhelmed.  Is that harsh?  I don't think it is because I had hoped that it was going to be a colourful, ballsy video that reflected the joy of the song - rather than a video that is dark and science fiction.  It's actually taken away some of the things I like about the song.

Whatever I think is not important as I'm sure the fans love it.  Once again, she has made a video that is edgy and unusual and she should be applauded for that.

If you disagree, please leave your comments below.

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